Rain chamber / Leak testing system

In particular, many electrical components have to be permanently water- tight, as they must work reliably even under the most adverse weather conditions. Test a wide variety of test specimens as to their tightness. More

VDT Dust test chamber according to standard SAE J575

According to state-of-the-art manufacture the test cabinets are of a modular design and are ready to be installed. The whole system is designed to be used under extreme conditions and guarantees reliable functioning and a long service life. More

Splash water test chamber SWT200/400

Ingression of water into enclosures is tested. In conjunction with a timer, the test cycle can be automated with a settable test time of 3 sec. to 30 h. More

Dust test chamber ST2000

Having the same functionality as ST 1000 but larger in size, this chamber allows for the functional and dust protection testing of specimens using air saturated with dust particles More

Dust test chamber ST1000

The ingression of dust into enclosures is tested. The systems can be equipped with an underpressure device so that the dust not only settles on the entire specimen but can also ingress into the specimen. More

ST – Dust test chamber

Dust tests are mainly performed to test functioning of electronic components under extreme environmental conditions. Various standards specify e.g. the test duration and the composition of dust used. More