Temperature and climate chambers for material test benches

Weiss Technik series ETE / EKE offers a range of temperature and climate cabinets, specially designed for almost every tensile test bench in the market.

Weiss test chambers ETE, EKE
What do material characteristics do such as tensile strength with extreme cold?

Is the flexibility of your products guaranteed during their lifespan in case of high relative humidity?

Would you like to execute materials tests under very accurate temperature or climate conditions?

Weiss Technik designs for you the best temperature or climate chambers for executing reproducible temperature and climate tests with your tensile tester or material test machine.

The desired extra testing dimension for application in practically every branch.

The vapor tight welded test space, which is necessary for the extreme temperature deviations and high vapor pressure, will be adapted to practically every model of material or tensile testing machine.

Every material test chamber will be provided with a window in the door and removable wedges so you can ride the tensile testing chamber backwards. The port diameter for the pull rods will be adapted to the model of your material test machine.

In the test space of the temperature or climate chamber temperatures and relative moist can be set or programmed, dependent on the model, in the functioning of: 

  • (-)70°C to +180°C with mechanic cooling
  • (-)180°C to +180°C with liquid nitrogen (LN2) cooling
  • 10% to 90%RH

Weiss has a worldwide network of their own people and dealers to install your tensile test chamber on your material test machine and maintain or upgrade it to the requirements of the future.

Reliable testing to ensure high product quality 
Environmental conditions during production, storage, transportation and use can have a negative effect on the functionality and lifetime of a product. Climatic tensile tests must be carried out under predefined climatic conditions in order to demonstrate the quality of materials and substances. Often the results are indispensable in obtaining permission from the authorities for launching newly developed materials, substances or finished products onto the market.

The importance of environmental controlled tensile testing is increasing in many applications: 

  • Plastics, Rubbers, Elastomers
  • Composite materials
  • Textile, Fibers
  • Shoes, Prostheses
  • Adhesives
  • Metal parts
  • Cables and wiring
  • Asphalt, Concrete
  • Ceramics, Glass

Temperature and climate cabinets for tensile testing are used in a number of industries including:

  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Renewable Energy (windmills, PV modules)
  • Packaging
  • Medical
  • Food
  • Electronics
  • Institutes and Universities