Weiss test chambers for lithium-ion batteries

An energy storage system has to be as safe as possible. External charges such as high or low temperatures, fast temperature changes, humidity, mechanical charges or corrosion factors should not cause them to fail or bring about undesired effects.

Lithium-ion batteries testing 1, emission test chamber

An energy storage system has to be as safe as possible. 

Weiss Umwelttechnik develop and builds state-of-the art systems for your special requirements.

The comprehensive safety strategy ensures that such system can be operated at low safety risk level.

Our basic systems can be added for testing Ltithium-Ion energy storages

  • Temperature and climate test chambers
  • Climate test chambers
  • Stress screening test chambers
  • Emission test chambers
  • Vibration test chambers
  • Temperature shock test chambers
  • Walk-In temperature and climate test chambers